Hi Slade and Heather,
I’m fairly new to all things aircooled over here in the United Kingdom and i recently found your youtube channel and love it!! Your videos are great, you show things at a pace that’s not too rushed, things are filmed well and you explain things good enough for the beginner to understand as well as seasoned VW nuts!
Back in 2019 we picked up a 1972 South African import double cab pickup, called Ellie. She’s had some restoration done to her over in Africa but needs things finishing off. The engine is out and she needs a rewire so she’s parked up in the garage awaiting me to tackle that. Last year my girlfriend Louise wanted a rat look beetle and one came up very cheap so we took the plunge. Its a project but from your channel i have learnt so much about aircooled engines and how to take things apart on these old VWs. The beetle is called Bertie and he’s a little rough being a rat look.
Mark and Louise